Life Workshop

S2E1 Passion-part 1

Mo Nazari

Passion is what you want to do vs what you have to do.

If passion takes control of you, it's an addiction. Passion should make life better. Toxic passion damages your life more than improving it.
Passion is the spice of life. Life without passion is like food with no flavor, blah!
If you get better at something there are more chances you become passionate about it. but if you are passionate about something but not good at it, more likely you will lose your passion
Make sure what you are passionate about adds to your life more than it takes away.
You just don't find your passion, you create your passion. So make it something that helps you not ruin you. Passion is not a plan, it's a feeling, don't plan your life on feelings.

Q: What is your passion? Does it make your life better or worse?